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Let's Get Going... 

One of the most discussed topics in my initial calls with people who reach out for support is around the shame they feel. Shame for lashing out, for 'losing it' with their children, for stomping around the house in a rage - knowing that they promised themselves they wouldn't become 'that' partner. 

Shame around feeling like a rubbish parent, a emotional mess at work or shame around behaviour that only goes on behind closed doors and they would be mortified if anyone knew they hit themselves, or pulled their hair, or threw things across the room.

That's why I created this resource - I hope it helps to give you some quick wins with managing some of those feelings. To start exploring what self regulation means and a step by step guide to building some of that control over your reactions into daily life.

I am really excited to hear how you get on with this - so please drop me an email after!  

Enter your email below and then check your inbox for the download. 

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Mindful Mastery Method: 3 Step Guide to Self-Regulation

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