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How is this different?

(Valid question! The last thing you need is more of the same.)

Here is what I see a lot of. 

 Flimsy self-help advice in the form of lovely (but empty) motivational quotes

 A nodding head saying 'hmm tell me more about that' 

 Tangible pressure that you should be striving for more. More than that. Just a little more, c'mon. 

 A rollercoaster, fast enough to give us all whiplash, between 'it's a trauma response, it's not your fault!' to 'life is hard, get on with it!' 

Meanwhile. I see woman all around me who are so frustrated with their life - and are crippled with guilt for feeling that way - frantically swimming in this pool of advice where we are being told it's a mindset issue, or we don't move enough, or we need to slow down, or aim higher, take a supplement, invest in this or that...

ALL emphasising that we are broken, that we need fixed. Which is what we have believed all along. 

They have waded through the endless advice, podcasts, retreats, courses that feel good in the moment but bring little lasting change, because once you are home, back in your own life, the advice just doesn't make sense.

Okay, So What Do You Need? 

I believe you have the answer to that but you need support and space to learn to trust your own voice and judgement again.

You need to work with someone who is a neutral thinking partner - someone who can challenge with the right questions and support you through the bits you have avoided for many years.

Someone who can help you move forward without spending months and months going over the past

Someone who has the skillset and qualifications that allows you to feel safe in their knowledge and the wide range of modalities and approaches to tailor the sessions to you. 

✓ Wisdom 

✓ Clarity

✓ Insight

✓ Supportive Challenging 

✓ Experienced

 You know something needs to change, bouncing from one crisis to the next is exhausting and I promise there is another way. 




I work with women online, in either 1:1 therapy & coaching sessions or in my membership and  group programs. I have also developed online courses to make some of this information more accessible. 

I use a range of approaches and modalities - including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, amongst others.

It is never a one size fits all - so I want working to me to be a 'one stop shop' as much as within my scope of practice. 



Are You In Safe Hands?

I know the choice is overwhelming when it comes to online therapy - in regards to modalities, approaches, personalities and also qualifications.

It is essential to me that my clients feel safe in both the relationship with me, and also in the qualifications and skills that I am bringing to the table! 

The Highlights...

-Qualified Occupational Therapist with 17 years clinical experience in the NHS, Local Government, Education and Private Sector.

-HCPC registered and a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapy - this means that I am regulated and work to a professional code of ethics.

-Qualified EMDR Therapist. I receive supervision for all my EMDR cases from an EMDR Consultant. EMDR is an advanced psychotherapy requiring a high level of skill. A mental health clinical background is a prerequisite for the training and is a National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommended treatment for trauma. 

-Certified Professional Life Coach from the Transformation Academy. 

It's a really tricky thing to leave a recommendation for someone who truly has changed your life for the better. There are just not the right words to explain in a short(ish) paragraph exactly how much Laura has helped me navigate a really difficult time in my life as well as dealing with a myriad of long standing patterns that were affecting me day to day. I had about a dozen EMDR sessions with Laura and have also been in the membership group for about 9 months. Laura is  very much a true professional but it's also like having a close friend who listens to you and gives great advice. Not many therapists could get that balance right but Laura does. In terms of the EMDR it has cleared some blocked patterns of thinking that were still standing in the way of me feeling like 'me'. I've had therapy with a few other people before who were still brilliant but EMDR (and Laura) took things to another level and really pushed me to break through certain thoughts and get to the real core of what my subconscious brain was attempting to do. EMDR itself feels pretty normal once you get used to it but at the same time it has a really powerful effect. I think an hour of EMDR is worth more than 10 normal talking therapy sessions but even then it still manages to do more. Before I write a small novel I'll sum up by saying that if you need help with any aspect of your mental health, life struggles, low times, frustrations, feeling 'stuck' then there is no doubt in my mind that you'll be glad you reached out to start a conversation with Laura about how she can help you too


A first step for anyone curious about therapy. This online course provides the knowledge and tools for breaking unhelpful patterns and making daily life easier!


Once the basics are in place - private therapy sessions ensures fully tailored support using a wide range of therapy types and modalities, including EMDR .


A safe community of others who have done the same work and 'get it' - supporting you to work through any curveballs and keep moving toward the life you want to live

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