Self-Care. Positive Mindset. Resilience. Can we change the dialogue?

Self-care. Positive Mindset. Resilience.
I can literally feel my eyes roll when I hear these magic 3 phrases now Anyone with me???
Honestly, my head is bursting!
BURSTING with work, life admin, kids clubs, laundry, housework, meals, exercising, family, friends...
So if I appear to manage all these thing I am resilient. If I sink, I'm not?
If I picture how I want to feel it will manifest?
If I take 10 minutes at the end of day to have a bath - 'self-care' has been ticked and the sense of overwhelm will reduce? (Question: When did personal hygiene, sitting and breathing become self-care and not just staying alive? )
Disclosure: I am not against any of these concepts - and part of my job is to discuss them, in part.
BUT what bugs my happiness is the way it is used as another way to beat ourselves up!! Another thing to add to the very very long list.
"I should just make sure I eat less Carbs"
"I need to make sure I get a walk everyday"
"I need to work out my 5 yr plan"
"I just need to change my mindset"
**On amazon at midnight ordering yet another journal and fancy pens, coz' frankly nice stationary is life**
Can we change the dialogue?
To community and friendship support
To shout "I can't self-care right now" and have others step in.
To change 'positive mindset' to a 'flexible mindset'
To talk about self-like before we get to self-love
To work out where we actually are, before we focus on where we want to be
If you feel like your drowning right now... look for something you can DROP, not something you can start doing.
Our Mental Health fluctuates. Resilience, mindset, and levels of self-care fluctuate. That's okay.
Walking, journalling, yoga, eating well, exercise, planning, focusing, fasting, meditating, running, bathing, breathing (especially breathing) are all really really good things.... BUT one thing at a time. Give yourself a break.
Own your own wellness not anyone else's idea of wellness.
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